Angklung The Long-Established Art Facing Global Trends

  • Ani Rostiyati National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia
  • Ria Intani Tresnasih
  • Lasmiyati
Keywords: angklung, past , global trends


Initially, art was created as entertainment for leisure and rituals. Over  time, when  art is appreciated widely by other people, the art is then developed into various elements according to people’s needs. One type of art which is very old is Angklung. In a script written around 1905, it is explained that there was an Angklung performance on May 14, 1704. During that time, Angklung Buncis was developed and was performed by Lingkung Seni Sunda Putra Pajajaran, located in Margaluyu Village, Manondjaja District, Tasikmalaya Regency. Angklung Buncis is one type of Angklung that has been experienced from its golden age until the late 1960s. Thereafter, Angklung Buncis faded away until only a few groups remained in a small part of West Java. The research’s problem focused on how Angklung Buncis can then survive until now in Tasikmalaya Regency, and what efforts are carried out by them to deal with the times. This research was conducted using a descriptive analysis method, with the aim of knowing the efforts used by them to make Angklung Buncis to still keep exist. This study uses the theory from Simatupang that says that the arts facing globalization need to have innovation in the creative process (new ideas), productive (appearing in various events), revitalization (turning on and inheriting), promotion, and also supported by the government in a way to be optimally synergized. The results of the study show that there are several efforts carried out by artists of Angklung Buncis to be improved  Angklung Landung. Angklung Landung later proved not only to be enjoyed by certain circles but also by the younger generation.

How to Cite
Rostiyati, A., Ria Intani Tresnasih, & Lasmiyati. (2024). Angklung The Long-Established Art Facing Global Trends. Jurnal Sociohumaniora Kodepena (JSK) , 5(1), 1-12.